Ichthys LNG Project completes Darwin dredging
vThe program involved the safe dredging and disposal of around 16 million cubic metres of rock and sand from the Harbour to create a deep shipping channel and berthing area for large LNG, LPG and condensate carriers.
Dredging started in August 2012 and finished in July 2014. A smaller dredging program for the Project’s gas export pipeline has also been completed with dredgers demobilised on 23 July 2014.
To date, the Project’s extensive and public environmental monitoring program has recorded only a few minor impacts in Darwin Harbour, which are in line with or less than original predictions.
International dredging, marine engineering and offshore projects contractor Van Oord led the program using some of the world’s largest and most powerful dredging equipment.
INPEX Dredging Manager Harutoshi Usui said the Project was proud of the successful dredging program.
“Without dredging, the Project would not have been able to progress marine construction work on the module offloading facility and jetty, which are critical pieces of onshore infrastructure,” he said.
“The dredging campaign was also our most visible piece of work in Darwin and an opportunity to show that we could meet our commitments to the community, including environment and heritage commitments.
“At the peak of the dredging campaign we had more than 300 people working on the program, as well as a range of local businesses including subcontractors for auxiliary marine equipment, workshop, welders, catering, accommodation and transport.”
INPEX General Manager Darwin Sean Kildare thanked the local community, government, businesses and recreational and commercial Harbour users for their support.
“We would like to thank the people of Darwin for their interest, understanding and for sharing the Harbour with us safely, from those in their tinnies to tour operators,” he said.
“Although our dredging equipment has left, there is still some activity on the Harbour with shallow-water pipelay and modules arriving, so please stay safe.”