INPEX has an 11.37812 per cent interest in the Bayu-Undan offshore gas and condensate field in the Timor Sea and a corresponding interest in the Darwin LNG facility (DLNG) at Wickham Point near Darwin.
Bayu-Undan, operated by Santos, has been a major contributor to the Timor-Leste economy for more than 20 years. The field is 250 kilometres southeast of Suai in Timor-Leste and 500 kilometres northwest of the Northern Territory in Australia.
Gas travels through a 502 kilometre pipeline from the Bayu-Undan Field to Darwin in the Northern Territory where it is converted to LNG and shipped to international markets.
A successful project for all stakeholders, the field is entering the final phase of its lifecycle. The operation will be decommissioned once the end of its economic production is reached in 2024.
DLNG is currently considering options for backfilling the facility beyond the depletion of Bayu-Undan.