Our commitments
We're committed to providing benefits to the communities in which we operate and contributing to their sustainable social, economic and environmental development.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Draft EIS Executive Summary
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Chapter 1 - Introduction PDF - 474.12 KB
Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Consultation PDF - 310.4 KB
Chapter 3 - Existing Natural Social And Economic Environment PDF - 6.62 MB
Chapter 4 - Project Description PDF - 2.35 MB
Chapter 5 - Emissions Discharges And Wastes PDF - 413.77 KB
Chapter 6 - Risk Assessment Methodology PDF - 418.28 KB
Chapter 7 - Marine Impacts And Management PDF - 2.9 MB
Chapter 8 - Terrestrial Impacts And Management PDF - 693.68 KB
Chapter 9 - Greenhouse Gas Management PDF - 587.31 KB
Chapter 10 - Socio Economic Impacts And Management PDF - 1.3 MB
Chapter 11 - Environmental Management Program PDF - 2.22 MB
Chapter 12 - Commitments Register PDF - 235 KB
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Complete PDF - 18.2 MB
Draft EIS Technical Appendices
Appendix 1 Guidelines For Preparation Of A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ichthys Gas Field Development Project PDF - 2.71 MB
Appendix 2 Cross Reference Of Draft EIS Content With EIS Guidelines Northern Territory PDF - 160.74 KB
Appendix 3 Evaluation Of Draft EIS Content Against Requirements Of The EPBC Act Commonwealth PDF - 143.31 KB
Appendix 4 Studies Of The Offshore Marine Environment PDF - 17.52 MB
Appendix 6 Produced Water Discharge Modelling PDF - 1.56 MB
Appendix 7 Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Modelling PDF - 5.22 MB
Appendix 8 Nearshore Marine Ecology And Benthic Communities Study PDF - 12.96 MB
Appendix 9 Nearshore Marine Water Quality And Sediment Study PDF - 21.54 MB
Appendix 10 Wastewater Discharge Modelling PDF - 2.14 MB
Appendix 11 Nearshore Geomorphological Modelling PDF - 4.23 MB
Appendix 12 Description And Validation Of Hydrodynamic And Wave Models For Dredging And Spoil Disposal PDF - 14.76 MB
Appendix 13 Dredging And Spoil Disposal Modelling PDF - 20.87 MB
Appendix 14 Dredge Spoil Disposal Ground Selection Study PDF - 2.54 MB
Appendix 15 Review Of Literature On Sound In The Ocean And On The Effects Of Noise On Marine Fauna PDF - 4.61 MB
Appendix 16 Onshore Flora And Fauna Study PDF - 3.76 MB
Appendix 17 Onshore Topography Geology Geomorphology And Soils Study PDF - 15.69 MB
Appendix 18 Hydrology And Hydrogeology Of Blaydin Point Darwin PDF - 13.78 MB
Appendix 19 Onshore Air Quality Study PDF - 7.92 MB
Appendix 20 Onshore Airborne Noise Study PDF - 3.69 MB
Appendix 21 Biting Insect Survey Of Blaydin Point Darwin PDF - 3.98 MB
Appendix 22 Traffic Impact Assessment Study PDF - 6.97 MB
Appendix 23 Visual Impact Assessment PDF - 23.85 MB
Appendix 24 Onshore And Nearshore Quantitative Risk Assessment Study PDF - 3.35 MB
EIS Supplement
EIS Supplement Technical Appendices
Appendix S1 Ichthys Benthic Environment Invertebrate Fauna PDF - 3.45 MB
Appendix S2 Hydrocarbon Spill Modelling Addendum PDF - 5.58 MB
Appendix S3 Seabirds In Ichthys Gas Field PDF - 1.72 MB
Appendix S4 Gunn Reef And Howard River Water And Coral Survey PDF - 6.18 MB
Appendix S5 Dredge Material Eggs And Larvae Of Barramundi PDF - 4.03 MB
Appendix S6 Benthic Habitat Mapping Of The Darwin Region PDF - 1.46 MB
Appendix S7 Effects Of Blasting Piledriving And Dredging On Marine Fauna PDF - 4.38 MB
Appendix S8 Impacts To Mud Crabs In Darwin Harbour PDF - 2.92 MB
Appendix S9 Darwin Harbour Baseline Water Quality PDF - 1.48 MB
Appendix S10 Nearshore Marine Heritage Survey Methods PDF - 2.32 MB
Appendix S11 Marine Archaeologist Review Of Survey Methods PDF - 3.8 MB
Appendix S12 Inshore Dolphin Survey Darwin Harbour PDF - 24.04 MB
Voluntary offset programs
INPEX has committed to a number of voluntary environmental offset programs covering a range of activities:
- Darwin Harbour integrated marine monitoring and research program
- Conservation status of coastal dolphins in the Northern Territory
- Habitat mapping for Darwin region (including Bynoe Harbour)
- Conservation management of dugongs, cetaceans and threatened marine matters of national environmental significance in the Top End
- Ecological studies of the Bonaparte Archipelago and Browse Basin
- Long-term monitoring of coastal dolphins in Darwin Harbour and the abundance and distribution of dugongs in the Northern Territory
- Support of two Australian Research Council Linkage Projects
- Funding for UNSW project “Understanding and predicting sediment distribution and net transport in estuaries and coastal oceans with an emphasis on muddy bottom layers”
- Funding for CDU project “Microbiology of a tropical creek impacted by sewage effluent: novel assessment using N-cycle functional markers and changes in community composition”
- Fire and landscape management for greenhouse gas offset (savannah fire management) in the Northern Territory
- Investigating a blue carbon economy in the Northern Territory.
Northern Territory School of Distance Education
As part of a social offset between 2014 and 2017, Company contributed $3M to the construction of the Northern Territory School of Distance Education (NTSDE). NTSDE delivers remote learning services and on site learning opportunities to children throughout the Northern Territory living in remote locations. A further $300k was also contributed to the NTSDE for the development of Remote Skills Training Packages (RSTP).
Establishment of North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas at Charles Darwin University
Company contributed $3M to the establishment of the North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas (NACOG) at Charles Darwin University, which is a training hub for the oil and gas industry and opened in 2012.
Darwin CBD Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
In 2016 Company contributed $250k to the establishment of an ambient air quality monitoring station by the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA). The ambient air quality monitoring station is located in the Darwin CBD (Stokes Hill Wharf) and the data collected is publicly available via the NT EPA air quality monitoring network online - http://ntepa.webhop.net/NTEPA/Default.ltr.aspx.
Further details on these programs are provided in the Coastal Offset Strategy which INPEX is required to develop to meet Condition 11 of the Commonwealth environmental approval document, EPBC Approval Decision 2008/4208
Water Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability Project
INPEX, on behalf of the Ichthys Joint Venture partners, has partnered with the NT Farmers Association along with several other key partners listed below [insert images of partners], to fund a Water Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability Project (WPESP) in the Northern Territory, over a 5 year period. The project commenced in 2021 and will implement programs to monitor and benchmark efficient crop water use for industry.
The project will assist growers to enhance water efficiency through new irrigation monitoring technology and management systems. It will provide Top End growers with the resources to efficiently use water and reduce the pressure on our water resources, especially in the Katherine and Darwin aquafers.
Key features of the project will be:
- Evaluate the efficiency of current practices
- Use baseline data to deliver and quantify greater water use efficiency, productivity and profitability
- Improve water use efficiency and sustainability practices
- Develop capacity in precision agricultural techniques and practices
- Utilization of soil moisture monitoring
- Trials of state of the art irrigation technology
- Implementation of scheduling programs
Project Outcomes:
- Increased public awareness of the importance of irrigation in food production
- Increased community understanding of the water efficiency measures implemented by growers
- Tailored farm specific irrigation programming
- Adoption of monitoring technology
- Engagement by wider industry and irrigation suppliers
- Horticultural farms to adopt industry best practice for irrigation scheduling and use benchmarking to drive continuous improvement of water use efficiency.
- Agricultural producers adopt best practice with local industry support.
More information about this project can be found at Water Sustainability - NT Farmer
Conservation Agreement Area
INPEX announces partnership with Bawaninga Aboriginal Corporation
INPEX Operations Australia Pty (INPEX), on behalf of Ichthys LNG joint venture, has partnered with the Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation (BAC) to establish a Conservation Agreement Area (CAA) to protect and manage land and sea country for 40 years. The CAA is required under INPEX’s Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Approval 2008/4208 Conditions 11b and 11c.
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation CEO Ingrid Stonhill said, “This is one of the most exciting initiatives in the organisation’s 42-year history and reflects BAC’s reputation as a respected, trusted First Nation’s organisation.”
INPEX and BAC will now work to select areas for protection that satisfy the Condition’s requirements and consult with the Northern Land Council and Traditional Owners to gain prior and informed consent for the 40-year protection period. INPEX, on behalf of the Ichthys LNG joint venture, will provide the funding to support the BAC rangers to manage the land and sea country protected as part of the CAA.
Following a visit to country to announce the decision to partner with BAC, Bill Townsend, Vice President INPEX Corporate said, “It makes me enormously proud to think that some of the many benefits of Ichthys LNG will flow to a place like Maningrida where they can genuinely make a difference not just to the environment, but to the wider community.”
Ichthys LNG is a joint venture between INPEX group companies (the Operator), major partner TotalEnergies, and the Australian subsidiaries of CPC Corporation Taiwan, Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Kansai Electric Power, JERA and Toho Gas.
Coastal Offsets Strategy
Management Plans
INPEX has developed a range of environmental management plans which were approved by the regulatory authorities before works started. Through implementation of these plans, we can ensure site works are conducted to a high standard and with minimal environmental impact.
Onshore Operations Environmental Management Plan
Onshore Operations Environmental Management Plan
The Onshore Operations Environmental Management Plan describes the activities that will be undertaken during operations, and the associated management measures and controls necessary to avoid, reduce or mitigate the environmental impacts that may occur as a result of these activities.
Social Impact Management Plan
The Ichthys LNG Project developed a Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) to assess and manage potential social impacts and opportunities in the Northern Territory arising from Project activities.
The SIMP contains consultation and research undertaken by the Project since 2008.
Commitments tables for key topic areas are included in the SIMP. These tables are designed to provide greater clarity to community members and potential partner organisations on Project commitments, agreed tasks and engagement activities.
These commitments have been in place since the commencement of construction and the SIMP was formally endorsed by the Territory Government in August 2014, following formal public consultations in late 2013.
Further information: [email protected]
Biting Insect Management Plan
The Biting Insect Management Plan details the environmental protection and occupational health and safety management measures and controls necessary to avoid, reduce or mitigate the environmental and social impacts that may occur during activities associated with the Ichthys Onshore Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities and its supporting infrastructure.