Support of two Australian Research Council Linkage Projects to secure:
Image supplied by Northern Territory Government
- Funding for UNSW project “Understanding and predicting sediment distribution and net transport in estuaries and coastal oceans with an emphasis on muddy bottom layers”
- Funding for CDU project “Microbiology of a tropical creek impacted by sewage effluent: novel assessment using N-cycle functional markers and changes in community composition”
This was a Company-run offset program which began in 2011 and was completed in July 2015. The project delivered on its intent to increase knowledge of environmental processes by contributing to national research through the Australian Research Council Linkage (ARC) Linkage program, which promoted research partnerships between researchers and other agencies including business, industry and government.
Specifically, this offset funded the following ARC Linkage Collaborative Research Agreement projects:
1. New South Wales (UNSW) project entitled “Understanding and predicting sediment distribution and net transport in estuaries and coastal oceans with an emphasis on muddy bottom layers”. The partner organisations involved in this project were AIMS and the State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics (SOISOA) of China. This project commenced in March 2011 and ceased in 2013.
A list of reports include:
a. Andutta, F.P., Wang, X.H., Li, L., Williams, D., 2013. Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a macro-tidal estuary: Darwin Harbour. In: Estuaries of Australia in 2050 and beyond. Eric Wolanski (ed.), Springer Publishers, Dordrecht
b. Li Li, Xiao Hua Wang, Harvinder Sidhu and David Williams (2011). Modelling of three dimensional tidal dynamics in Darwin Harbour, Australia. ANZIAM Journal 52
c. Li Li, Xiao Hua Wang, Fernando Andutta and David Williams (2014). Effects of mangroves and tidal flats on suspended-sediment dynamics: Observational and numerical study of Darwin Harbour, Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans DOI 10
d. Dehai Song, Xiao Hua Wang, Andrew E. Kiss, and Xianwen Bao (2011). The contribution to tidal asymmetry by different combinations of tidal constituents. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116.
e. Li Li (2013). PhD Thesis: Modelling the Tidal and Sediment Dynamics in Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory, Australia. University of New South Wales Canberra, ACT, Australia.
2. Charles Darwin University (CDU) project entitled “Microbiology of a tropical creek impacted by sewage effluent: novel assessment using N-cycle functional markers and changes in community composition”. This project commenced in 2013 and ceased in 2015.
A list of reports include:
a. K Gibb, M Kaestli, N Munksgaard, K McGuinness, L Bodrossy, K Kennedy (2013). Assessing impacts of nutrient load on bacterial community composition in a tropical estuary.
b. Mirjam Kaestli, Jodie Vandekamp, Anna Skillington, Karen Kennedy, Niels Munksgaard, Keith McGuinness, Lev Bodrossy, Karen Gibb (2014). Using a Nitrogen-Cycle Microarray to Assess the Impacts of Treated Sewage Effluent
on Tropical Estuaries.
c. Mirjam Kaestli, Karen Gibb (2014). The Microbiology of a tropical creek impacted by treated sewage effluents: novel impact assessment methods using N-cycle functional markers and changes in bacterial community composition. Interim Report of Round-1 of the ARC-L Project (Jan 2014).
d. Kanchana Niwanthi Warnakulasooriya, Edward Charles Villers Butler, Karen Susanne Gibb, Niels Crosley Munksgaard (2015). Stable isotopes in mangrove leaves and gastropod snails reflect exposure to treated sewage effluent in a tropical macro-tidal ecosystem (Buffalo Creek, Darwin, Australia).
e. Mirjam Kaestli, Kanchana Warnakulasooriy, Karen Gibb, Niels Munksgaard (2015). The Microbiology of a Tropical Creek Impacted by Treated Sewage Effluent: novel impact assessment methods using N-cycle functional markers and changes in bacterial community composition. Interim ARC-L Project Report (Feb 2014-Jan 2015).
f. Mirjam Kaestli, Anna Skillington, Karen Kennedy, Matthew Majid, David Williams, Keith McGuinness, Niels Munksgaard, Karen Gibb (2017) Spatial and temporal microbial patterns in a tropical macrotidal estuary subject to urbanisation. Published in Frontiers in Microbiology.