Our shared commitment to health and safety unites us and is the foundation of how we work together on every INPEX site around the world.
“Anzen Dai Ichi” (safety comes first), is our motto and this embodies our approach to all that we do.
There is no compromise on safety at INPEX. We expect our people to work together as one team to embrace our policies, processes and behavioural expectations.
To enhance health and safety, we work closely with industry bodies, peer companies, government and with the communities where we operate.
We work hard to understand and manage the risks in our industry to support a strong safety culture.
Our people are encouraged and empowered to speak up and take action to stay safe and we are always looking for ways to improve.
We place a high value on the physical, mental and social health of our workforce and we have many programs to support this.
We take pride in the delivery of onshore and offshore marine monitoring programs.
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